75% of New Pickup Trucks to be Aluminum-Bodied by 2025

| June 10, 2014

Aluminum F-150By 2025, more than 75 percent of all new pickup trucks produced in North America will be aluminum-bodied, according to a survey of automakers conducted by Ducker Worldwide.

The study points to a dramatically growing use of automotive aluminum for high-volume vehicles.

The study further noted that Ford, General Motors and Fiat Chrysler will become the biggest users of aluminum sheet in the next decade. It also forecasts that the number of vehicles with complete aluminum body structures will reach 18 percent of North American production, from less than one percent today.

Vehicle segments revealed as emerging aluminum content leaders are pickup trucks, sport-utility vehicles (SUVs) and both mid-sized and full-size sedans.

Category: Featured, General Update

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