Weather Reports Coming to the Windshield of Your Rig Soon

| March 16, 2014

Smart WindshieldFighter pilots have it, why not truck drivers?

24/7 Van Lines has announced that in the San Francisco Bay Area it is beginning to deploy new technologically advanced windshield displays that are capable of sensing weather conditions and helping the driver find his or her way through bad weather situations.

The need is clear.

According to 24/7 Van Line, accidents occur most often due to driver miscalculations during distracting weather conditions. These conditions can be as simple as nightfall, and as complicated as thunder and lightning storms.

Therefore, 24/7 Van Lines are slowly rolling out new technology that will update its fleet of rigs with windshield displays that have built-in sensors. And get this: These sensors will be multifunctional.

For instance, if the windshield detects rain droplets, it will automatically turn on windshield wipers to an appropriate setting while also switching on lights.

Automatic lighting will help forgetful drivers avoid being needlessly pulled over by law enforcement, which costs the company time and money and results in angry clients who were expecting a faster transport.

Smart windscreenIn addition, the windshield sensors are also capable of detecting glare, and use new glass technology in order to negate it. This will eliminate the need for driver to rely on sun visors, which can sometimes hamper visual acuity or peripheral sight.

When night falls, the rig knows. New technologies allow the rig to use a complicated set of sensors and cameras in order to sense the landscape ahead.

During rain, night, or other sight-impairing weather conditions, an outline of the road will pair with the windshield display, making it much easier for the driver to see where he is going.

Going in reverse is less of an issue as well, as new cameras will allow the driver to see anything behind the rig without a blind spot and without the use of mirrors.

There’s more: During bad weather, drivers aren’t allowed to listen to music or do anything that might distract from the job.  So, get ready for the future of driving.  It’s around the corner. Literally.

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Category: Featured, General Update, Management, Safety

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