PureForge® Targets Commercial Fleets for Growth

| April 29, 2014

PureForgePureForge, a leader in the development of brake solutions, has announced a strategic growth plan that includes investment in new machinery, expanded availability of rotor types, new targets in commercial fleets and additional purchasing programs.

Specifically, the company has invested in new production equipment, which triples capacity for processing rotors. The new equipment also enables tighter process control and the use of new alternative compound substrates.

Second, PureForge has processed its first cast iron rotors, which augment the current stainless steel rotors.

Third, PureForge has expanded its business strategy to include large Class-6, 7 and 8 commercial vehicles. The fleets operating these vehicles have long demanded extended-life brakes to minimize maintenance costs associated with brake service.

The recent NHTSA stopping distance regulations requiring these vehicles to stop in as short as 250-ft is driving a rapid expansion in the use of air disc brakes as a means of meeting the new laws.

Fourth, PureForge will now allow direct purchase of its innovative products. now

More at: www.pureforge.com



Category: Breaks, Suspensions & Chassis, General Update

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