Trucking Group Presents Options for Infrastructure Funding

| May 21, 2014

Bridge repairOfficials at the American Trucking Associations (ATA) have endorsed a menu of revenue alternatives to address the nation’s surface transportation infrastructure funding crisis.

“Several months ago, ATA’s leaders convened a task force with the purpose of evaluating alternatives in addition to the federal fuel tax for financing the nation’s roads and bridges,” said ATA Chairman Phil Byrd, president and CEO of Bulldog Hiway Express, Charleston, S.C.

The industry group provided a list of options “that could provide the resources needed to address the critical highway and bridge upgrades we need.”

Bridge repairATA’s funding menu includes:

  • Indexing of the fuel tax based on price, CPI or the estimated impact of improved fuel efficiency;
  • Proceeds from repatriation of overseas capital;
  • Issuance of Treasury bonds subsidized with revenue from indexing the fuel tax; A new annual “highway access fee” for all motorists;
  • Use of royalties from new oil and gas leases;
  • A per-barrel tax on imported oil and domestic crude production;
  • And finally, as a last resort, a transfer from the General Fund to ensure short-term Highway Trust Fund stability.

“While we continue to believe that the fuel tax is the fairest, most efficient method of funding our highway system, we also recognize the political difficulties of getting an increase through Congress,” ATA President and CEO Bill Graves said.


Category: Featured, General Update, Management

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