Use of Combustion Engines in LD Vehicles to Drop by Half in 20 Years

| May 22, 2014

TruckDriven by rising fuel costs and environmental concerns, the global light duty vehicle (LDV) market is changing rapidly through the adoption of vehicles with various levels of drivetrain electrification and vehicles that run entirely on alternative fuels.

According to recent estimates by Navigant Research , the number of LDVs using conventional combustion engines will drop by 50% by 2035.

Noted Scott Shepard, research analyst with Navigant, “Engine downsizing and drivetrain electrification through stop-start and hybrid technologies will become the LDV standards by 2020.”

Sales of LDVs with stop-start capability will reach 48.6 million annually by 2020, according to the company, representing nearly half of the overall LDV market.

Category: Fuel & Oil, Green

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