Houston Solid Waste Goes Green, Links with Houston Arts Alliance

| September 2, 2014

Green trucks in HoustonTo promote the linkage between green initiatives and the world of art, the Houston Arts Alliance (HAA) and City of Houston Solid Waste Management Department (SWMD) have announced their Art Recycling Trucks project, with six working City of Houston recycling trucks transformed into mobile artworks by local artists in partnership with HAA.

The innovative Art Recycling Truck project celebrates the City’s commitment to “going green,” furthers the mission of HAA’s Civic Art + Design program, and showcases artworks by local artists Pablo Gimenez-Zapiola, CORE Design Studio, Aaron Muñoz, Troy Stanley, Ariane Roesch, and Kia Neill.

“An important component of HAA’s mission is to expand the reach of local arts beyond gallery and museum walls,” explains HAA President and CEO Jonathon Glus.

“The Art Recycling Truck project is, in effect, a museum on wheels. These six mobile artworks will travel greater Houston for an anticipated seven years, bringing art – and City recycling services – to Houston residents.”

In 2013-2014 ,SWMD drastically expanded its city-wide Automated Curbside Recycling program. “When the expansion is complete at the end of this year, the City will be providing single stream recycling to the entire 640-square mile service area, which incorporates approximately 380,000 homes,” explains SWMD Director Harry Hayes.

Category: General Update

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