Con-way Truckload Opens IdleAir Facility at Laredo, Texas

| December 9, 2014

Con-way IdleAir facility Laredo, Texas

Con-way Truckload has opened a new dedicated IdleAir facility at its terminal in Laredo, Texas.

The 19-space IdleAir facility provides drivers with in-cab services, including air conditioning, heat, internet connectivity, DIRECTV, and 120V electricity, completely eliminating the need for idling.

At the new IdleAir facility, Con-way Truckload is providing air conditioning and electricity at no cost to all company drivers and independent contractors. Reducing idling saves fuel and associated maintenance costs, and it provides drivers with a cleaner, quieter, more relaxing rest environment. “

Over-the-road drivers are out for weeks at a time. Being able to create a comfortable and safe environment inside the truck is essential to a driver’s physical and mental health, which is something we take very seriously,” said Bert Johnson, vice president of human resources at Con-way Truckload. “

Con-way Truckload received a turnkey package of IdleAir services and support, and has already started to achieve meaningful idling reductions which have averaged more than 4,000 gallons per month, eliminating approximately 500 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year.

Con-way Truckload is looking to expand its partnership with IdleAir at other terminal locations in 2015.

Category: Driver Stuff, Featured, General Update

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