Taxis App Tries to Stem Exodus to Ride Share Alternatives

| June 1, 2015

Taxis App Tries to Stem Exodus to Ride Share Alternatives

Given the rapid rise of ride share companies such as Uber and Lyft, a new entrant has emerged to try and stem the mass consumer exodus to less expensive, quick-paced alternatives to the legacy taxi business.

Enter asterRIDE, a national ride-hailing app that will attempt to bring customers to licensed transportation companies. It debuted in Los Angeles this week.

asterRIDE adds Los Angeles to its city roster, which also includes Chicago, Seattle, Orlando and Phoenix.

The one major benefit of asterRIDE that the company points to is that there is no surge pricing. asterRIDE’s partners follow local and national standards of the taxi and black car industry.

The company notes that “Los Angeles cab companies experienced a troubling drop of more than 20% over the first half of last year as unregulated ride-sharing companies began taking customers away.”

Category: Featured, General Update

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