Trucking Group Thanks House Committee for Long Term Highway Bill

| October 23, 2015

House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee

Trucking industry trade group, American Trucking Associations (ATA) and its President and CEO, Bill Graves, praised the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee for passing a long-term highway bill and urged House leaders to take the next step quickly.

“Yesterday’s actions by Chairman Shuster, Ranking Member DeFazio and the rest of the Committee were a positive step for trucking and for the country. While we’re anxious to see the funding portion of the bill, the roadmap laid out by this legislation is a good one for highway safety and efficiency.”

He continued,”We’re pleased the Committee’s bill clamps down on the expansion of tolling and establishes a dedicated freight fund – two positive steps not just for trucking, but for consumers, shippers and the economy. In addition, the safety reforms – from making necessary changes to the CSA safety monitoring system to allowing hair testing as part of the DOT testing program, and limited interstate access to younger commercial drivers – included in this bill are also important steps forward for our industry.”

Graves urged leaders in the House to take the next step and bring this long-term bill, with a funding component, to the floor as soon as possible.

Category: General Update

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