Super Light Carbon Fabric Helps Cars Win World Solar Challenge

| October 27, 2015

solar car

The World Solar Challenge ended with victory for Nuon Solar team and their car reinforced by TeXtreme®. In addition to this, teams supported by TeXtreme® obtained several podium places.

The teams are using TeXtreme® Spread Tow carbon reinforcements to reduce weight, improve stiffness and impact tolerance. They participated in different classes in the 2015 Bridgestone World Solar Challenge held 18th to 25th of October in the Australian outback.

Sounds hot.

Nuon Solar Team early took the lead in the prestigious Challenger Class and then never looked back, holding the number one position all the way to the finish. The total weight of their car, Nuna8, was 150kg and by that the lightest car in the whole competition. The total amount of the composite parts of the car, using TeXtreme® developed in cooperation with DSM, weighs in total 41kg, which is a reduction with 10kg from its predecessor.

In the Cruiser Class there where two solar cars on the podium reinforced by TeXtreme®.

Alongside the use of TeXtreme® in Solar cars, other users can be found in Formula 1, America’s Cup, NASCAR, Le Mans, Indy Car, bicycles, ice hockey, golf, tennis, surf boards, table tennis, rowing shells, canoes, skis, snowboards, as well as various industrial and advanced aerospace applications.

Category: Featured, Green

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