Ryder to Go 100% Natural Gas in California Fleets

| November 12, 2015

Ryder to Go 100% Natural Gas for California Fleets

Ryder System, Inc. (NYSE: R) and Clean Energy Fuels Corp. (NASDAQ: CLNE) have announced an agreement whereby Ryder will be switching the fuel at their stations in Orange and Fontana, CA, to Clean Energy’s Redeem™ renewable natural gas (RNG).

The fuel at the two stations will be available in both compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG) to individual and public fleet vehicles.

By making the switch to Redeem™, Ryder says it expects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 6,300 metric tons per year using current fuel volumes. This would be the equivalent of removing approximately 1,319 passenger cars from the road annually.

Ryder currently operates both CNG and LNG vehicles supported by 34 Clean Energy locations.

As part of the fuel agreement, Clean Energy also will be providing fuel station maintenance services at Ryder’s natural gas fueling stations in Fontana and Orange, CA.

“After launching Redeem™ as a commercial fuel just two short years ago, Clean Energy is on track to deliver over 40 million gallons this year,” said Harrison Clay, president of Clean Energy Renewables.

Redeem™ by Clean Energy is a renewable natural gas vehicle fuel, often referred to as biomethane. It is derived from biogenic methane or biogas, which is methane that is naturally generated by the decomposition of organic waste. The methane gas is then processed, purified and sent into the interstate natural gas pipeline and made available exclusively to Clean Energy customers.

Category: General Update, Green

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