Zeroing in on ZETs – June 2022 Market Update

| July 19, 2022

CALSTART updated snapshot of the medium- and heavy-duty zero-emissions with some key data points to help shape understanding of the market growth

Zeroing in on Zero-Emission Trucks June 2022 Market Update focuses on the significant growth in medium- and heavy-duty (MHD) zero-emission truck (ZET) sales and deployment in the U.S. from January 2017 through March 2022. This report, which serves as an update of CALSTART’s first Class 2b-8 ZETinventory, highlights recent market trends that reflect the suitability of zero-emission technologies to meet and exceed the demanding characteristics of internal combustion engine vehicles. It also juxtaposes registrations and deployed sales of conventionally fueled MHD trucks with ZET statistics, helping inform both market and policy opportunities for zero-emission technologies.

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Category: Cab, Trailer & Body, Electric Vehicles, Equipment, Featured, Fuel & Oil, General Update, Green, Products, Vehicles

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