AASHTO Praises Passage of Senate’s FY 2025 Transportation Appropriations Bill

| July 28, 2024

Appreciates Inclusion of August Redistribution Solution

The following is a formal statement from the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials regarding the passage of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies (THUD) appropriations bill by the Senate Appropriations Committee:

“AASHTO applauds the Senate Appropriations Committee for its swift passage of the FY 2025 THUD appropriations package, which provides necessary resources for state departments of transportation across the country to continue delivering projects for their communities that improve safety, quality of life, and mobility for all,” said Jim Tymon, AASHTO executive director. “We are grateful that the committee reaffirmed federal funding levels made in the historic Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), which is making our communities stronger every day as state DOTs are putting those dollars to work.

“AASHTO also appreciates the committee’s inclusion of a legislative solution to address the Federal Highway Administration’s August Redistribution of highway dollars, a pressing challenge that AASHTO most recently raised in a June 10 letter to Congress. Over the last several years, FHWA has asked state DOTs to process 15 percent of their annual federal highway funds in just 30 days, significantly hindering the ability of state DOTs to strategically deploy IIJA dollars toward their most important priorities. The solution in this bill should reduce the amount of funding subject to August Redistribution and provide more of the state formula dollars at the beginning of the fiscal year, allowing states to adequately plan out projects to best serve the needs of their communities.”

The full text of the Senate FY 2025 THUD bill is available here.

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