AASHTO Supports Senate EPW’s Five Year Transportation Bill

Getting this important legislation enacted by next fall is something every state DOT strongly supports
The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials today lauded the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works for their release of the America’s Transportation Infrastructure Act of 2019, which provides $287 billion for highways over five years as part of the federal surface transportation package.
“We thank the Senate EPW Committee for officially beginning the reauthorization process today,” said Jim Tymon, AASHTO’s Executive Director. “Getting this important legislation enacted by next fall is something every state DOT strongly supports.”
The bipartisan legislation led by Chairman John Barrasso (R-WY) and Ranking Member Tom Carper (D-DE) provides a 27 percent increase in highway funding from the Highway Trust Fund, compared to the current law which expires on September 30, 2020.
“In addition to focusing on safety and resiliency of our highway infrastructure, 90 percent of the funding in EPW’s bill is provided directly to states by formula which ensures flexibility to best meet each state’s unique highway investment needs,” said Tymon. “For state DOTs, it is absolutely crucial to get the next federal transportation bill done on time, without resorting to a series of short-term program extensions. When federal funds are predictable and stable, state DOTs are able to fully focus attention on delivering critical projects that improve safety, quality of life, and economic opportunities for everyone.”
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