ACT Research’s New Autonomous CV Study Now Released

| October 17, 2022

ACT Research has completed a 20-year-horizon adoption rate forecast and analysis for Classes 4-8 trucks

ACT Research announced the release of DRIVING AUTOMATION, a report and total-cost-of-ownership (TCO) model covering commercial autonomous vehicles in North America. ACT Research, the gold standard in market data, forecasting, and TCO development for the commercial vehicle market, has developed DRIVING AUTOMATION, a report aggregating relevant market information, analyzing autonomous deployment models, and presenting a technology adoption rate forecast over a 20-year horizon.

“The work, executed as a multi-client study with more than a dozen industry leaders,” noted Ann Rundle, Vice President of Electrification & Autonomy with ACT Research, “covers six key areas of autonomous transportation, including a market overview, total available market (TAM), regulations and infrastructure considerations, vehicle TCO (including utilization, fuel economy, maintenance, labor and driver impact, and safety considerations), autonomous models’ impact, and ACT’s autonomous forecasts.”

The report deliverables, available for purchase to the public, include a written analysis document; Excel TCO models complete with base, fast, and slow adoption scenarios; and an executive summary PowerPoint document.

“Our team dedicated nine months of intensive collaborative and independent research,” commented ACT’s Research Analyst, Lydia Vieth. “Our objective is to provide a one-stop resource combining first-hand industry knowledge of autonomous commercial vehicle market leaders, regulators, and fleets with ACT’s expertise in analysis and forecasting to provide a first-of-its-kind business tool.”

Click HERE to learn more about DRIVING AUTOMATION: Commercial Transportation’s Pursuit of Level 4 Autonomy.

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