Boston Taxi Drivers Demand Unlicensed for Hire Vehicles and Drivers be Taken off City Streets by Police Commissioner

| May 22, 2014

TaxiThe Boston Taxi Drivers Association (BTDA), an affiliate of the United Steelworkers (USW) representing 1,400 cab drivers is calling on the Mayor of Boston and the Police Commissioner to order all Uber-X and Uber-XL for-hire transportation vehicles off the streets of Boston until the city can regulate and license all Uber drivers and cars.

The BTDA has announced a ‘Boston Rolling Taxi Rally & Protest’ at the Uber Boston Headquarters on Thursday, May 22 at: 186 South Street, 2:00 to 3:00 pm.

According to the BTDA, the Boston Police Department Hackney Unit has failed to protect both the public and the licensed taxi business from unregistered for-hire vehicles, even though the Police Commissioner has the clear authority to do so under rules for regulating the taxi industry.

The group notes that: “All Boston cab drivers are vetted and licensed by the Boston Police Department. The fares are regulated and the vehicles inspected. Uber-X and Uber-XL contract with unlicensed, unregulated ‘black car’ limousine drivers.”

Category: Featured, General Update

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