Canadian Cross-Border Loads a Mixed Bag

| March 14, 2016

Canadian Cross-Border Loads a Mixed Bag

TransCore Link Logistics load volumes for Canadian and cross-border loads edged up one percent compared to the previous month; however, compared to the same month last year, load volumes were down 21 percent from February 2015.

Intra-Canada load volumes represented 26 percent of the total volumes and were lower by 18 percent year-over-year.

Cross border loads averaged 69 percent of the total data submitted by Loadlink’s Canadian-based customers. Loads leaving Canada were lower by 18 percent, and loads coming into Canada decreased 25 percent year-over-year. There were no obvious shifts in the regional distribution of cross-border loads coming into Canada compared to January.

Posted equipment was higher in February, increasing nine percent month-over-month; and these postings were above February 2015 totals by 30 percent year-over-year. The equipment-to-load ratio increased to 3.42 from 3.18 in January. Year-over-year, this ratio increased from 1.90 in February 2015, representing an 80 percent change.

Compared to last month, changes in the distribution of cross-border equipment entering Canada were observed in three regions: Ontario decreased five percent, western Canada increased seven percent, and Quebec decreased three percent.

TransCore’s Canadian Freight Index accurately measures the movement of freight and equipment from roughly 5,500 of Canada’s trucking companies and freight brokers, and includes all domestic, cross-border and interstate data submitted by Loadlink’s customers.

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