Comdata Launches Digital Lumper Payment Solution for Fleets Nationwide

| March 18, 2022

Comdata’s technology improves efficiency and driver experience with frictionless payment capabilities

Comdata Inc. announced the evolution of its on-demand warehouse payment capabilities. The new solution digitizes and automates the capture and delivery of lumper payment receipts without driver interaction. It is the next generation of Comdata’s Comchek, which provides warehouse locations and fleets an efficient and modernized system to accept lumper payment without driver interaction through a mobile device.

Comdata’s new lumper payment tool reduces the time-consuming manual process that has frustrated fleets, drivers, merchants, and shippers for decades by enabling warehouse locations to digitally accept any of Comdata’s payment methods (Fleet Card, Express Code, Comchek, OnRoad and Virtual Card). As a result of these integrated merchant partnerships, carriers, warehouse merchants, and drivers can now benefit from streamlined mobile payment capabilities that reduce friction and payment delays. To add more control to the lumper payment process, Comdata has also enabled additional location-based authorization controls.

Eric Dowdell, President of Comdata’s North American Trucking division comments, “Comdata has created a win-win for the industry by digitizing the lumper pay process, which has historically been a point of friction for fleets and merchants. We’re bringing our customers more transparency, control, and a more simplified driver experience within a broad acceptance network.”

As a pioneer in innovative technologies for the transportation industry, Comdata has led with a wide array of payment products and capabilities that include Comchek, Express Cash, OnRoad, Virtual Card, and Comchek Mobile – all solutions designed to enable carriers and drivers to quickly make on-demand lumper payments over the road.

“The trucking industry is moving forward and embracing digital transformation,” continues Dowdell. “Our goal is to provide our customers with the most secure, reliable, and efficient mobile payment capabilities that get drivers back on the road faster. Our solution minimizes the headaches and delays associated with legacy, manually processed lumper payments. A greater experience overall promotes driver retention and greater profitability in the long-term.”

Since 2020, Comdata has doubled down on its efforts on secure mobile payment capabilities that improve the overall driver experience. Comdata remains committed to pushing the envelope in fleet payments and continuing to drive the industry’s journey towards digital transformation.

Category: Driver Stuff, Featured, Fuel & Oil, General Update, News, Tech Talk

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