Daseke Names Bharat Mahajan Chief Financial Officer
Daseke Inc., the largest flatbed, specialized transportation and logistics solutions company in North America, announced the appointment of Bharat Mahajan as the company’s new chief financial officer. Mahajan will assume the role of CFO from Scott Wheeler, who was named Daseke’s president earlier this year.
Mahajan previously served as CFO for Aveda Transportation and Energy Services, which merged with Daseke in June. Mahajan, who will work at Daseke’s Dallas-area headquarters, brings the company a wealth of knowledge and experience.
Mahajan’s track record at Aveda included leading a team that negotiated with, acquired and successfully integrated six companies. He also helped raise revenue by eightfold between early 2016 and early 2018.
“Bharat impressed us from Day One and is a strong fit with our company culture,” Daseke said. “He’s a rising star in the financial world and has accomplished so much so soon.”
Category: General Update, News, People