Driving Dynamics to Host Special Four-Day Coach Certification Event

CoachInsight Advantage™ is the company’s new train-the-trainer course which educates and certifies company safety professionals
Driving Dynamics Inc., a provider of driver safety training, coaching and risk services for fleet-based organizations that operate light-to-heavy duty vehicles in North America and around the globe, announced today it is inviting fleet safety professionals to participate in a special multi-day coach certification training course held at its headquarters and led by the company’s master coach.
CoachInsight Advantage (CoachInsight), certifies fleet safety professionals to conduct Driving Dynamics’ proven driver safety behavior and skills coaching program. Offering a CoachInsight training event at the company’s headquarters provides organizations without the scale or facilities to host its own on-site dedicated program, the opportunity to expand its safety management competencies by taking a driver safety certification course.
Where: Driving Dynamics Headquarters: 258 Chapman Road Suite 201, Newark, Delaware 19702
When: September 10-13, 2019from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. every day with lunch provided
Fee: Offered at $395.00 per student for this special four-day course. Discounted from the regular employer dedicated course fee.
Accommodations: Attendees are responsible for their travel and stay arrangements but will be provided local hotel recommendations.
Deadlines: Registration is open until August 23, 2019 and seating is limited. Enrollments prior to August 7, 2019 will receive an additional 10 percent discount.
Register: Email [email protected] and a representative will guide you through enrollment and answer your questions.
During the course, coach-candidates will participate in a combination of classroom lectures, role-play scenarios and development drive exercises and learn to analyze and interpret the results of driving skills and behavioral assessments to conduct personalized driver improvement coaching sessions. Coach-graduates receive a certificate of completion, a starter pack of driver coaching materials, a unique identification number and support access to Driving Dynamics coaching professionals.
“This unique initiative at our headquarters is a great opportunity for organizations to easily take advantage of a world-class coaching course while in the company of other like-minded safety professionals,” said Ben Langley, Driving Dynamics’ director of training and innovation and the company’s master coach. “We’re looking forward to demonstrating to attendees how our proven coaching process will improve their drivers’ safety performance and reduce incident rates.”
The company regularly offers its CoachInsight course throughout the year as an employer-onsite dedicated train-the-trainer program. For more information about the program, download the fact sheet.
Category: Driver Stuff, Featured, General Update, News