EPA and DOT Move to Phase II to Reduce Emissions, Improve Bus and Truck Fuel Efficiency

| February 18, 2014

truck emissionsThe Obama Administration has announced that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) will again be coordinating their efforts to implement a uniform, second phase national program to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and improve fuel efficiency from medium and heavy-duty trucks and buses.

“As the primary manufacturers of medium and heavy-duty engines and vehicles in the United States, EMA’s members want to ensure a uniform, national program to address greenhouse gas emissions and fuel efficiency. EMA’s members have long focused on producing products that meet the commercial needs of their customers as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible,” stated Jed Mandel, EMA President.

“The industry is still in the process of implementing the first EPA/NHTSA greenhouse gas/fuel efficiency program which only went into effect last month. Nevertheless, EMA and its members are committed to working with EPA and NHTSA to assure that a second phase program recognizes the commercial needs of the marketplace; balances stringency and cost while providing adequate leadtime and stability; avoids unintended consequences; and assures uniform, accurate and cost-effective assessment/measurement methods.”

In addition, truck and engine manufacturers expect that any future program should evaluate tractor efficiency (when coupled with a high-efficiency trailer) and consider opportunities for advanced trailer designs and overall road freight efficiency improvement.

The Truck and Engine Manufacturers Association is the trade association representing worldwide manufacturers of medium and heavy-duty trucks and internal combustion engines used in applications such as trucks and buses, farm and construction equipment, locomotives, marine vessels, and lawn, garden, and utility equipment. EMA works with government and industry to help the nation achieve its goals of cleaner fuels, more efficient engines, cleaner air, and improved safety.

Category: Featured, Fuel & Oil, General Update, Green

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