FTR Trucking Conditions Index for August Reflects Mediocre Environment for Carriers

“Although trucking conditions are weak, we believe that they have stabilized for the industry”
FTR’s Trucking
Conditions Index for August, at a -1.11 reading, was negatively impacted by
weak utilization and higher financing costs. FTR forecasts that the TCI will
hover around the neutral range through 2020.
Active truck utilization edged down in August to 87.4%.
Although FTR’s current outlook calls for a gradual firming, active utilization
is expected to remain below the 10-year average of 91% through 2020.
Freight-related indicators continue to diverge between the no-growth industrial
sector and the still-growing consumer sector. FTR’s loadings outlook is
for a 0.5% increase in 2019 and 0.9% growth in 2020.
Details of the TCI for August are found in the October issue
of FTR’s Trucking
Update, published
September 30. The ‘Notes by the Dashboard Light’ section outlines the effects
of global trade on the U.S. economy. Along with the TCI and ‘Notes by the
Dashboard Light,’ the Trucking Update includes data
and analysis on load volumes, the capacity environment, rates, costs, and the
truck driver situation.
Avery Vise, vice president of trucking,
commented, “Although trucking conditions are weak, we believe that they have
stabilized for the industry as a whole. However, larger carriers appear to be
faring much better than small carriers, which are far more exposed to weak spot
rates and to rising liability insurance costs. We might be seeing an
accelerated shakeout of active capacity that could lead to firmer utilization
and freight rates.”
Category: Featured, General Update, News