International Telematics and Imarda Merge to Form Coretex

| May 15, 2015


Leading fleet management technology companies, International Telematics Holdings Limited (ITHL) and Imarda Pty Ltd, have announced their intention to merge and form a new entity named ‘Coretex’.

The merger agreement is subject to shareholder approval, which is expected by the end of June 2015.

The companies reported that “ITHL with its ibright® solution and Imarda with its i360 platform are together experiencing strong growth in North America, Australia and New Zealand.”

Guy Colglazier, CEO of ITHL and soon to be CEO of Coretex Group said, “Each company has been targeting different industry verticals with different sales channels and we can now start cross-selling complimentary technologies into new markets and verticals immediately.”

Category: Featured, Fleet Diagnostics & Software, General Update

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