Larger, Faster Blimp Fleet from Goodyear

| March 16, 2014

Goodyear BlimpThe Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company has unveiled an all-new, state-of-the-art version of its world-famous icon, the Goodyear Blimp…with a few enhancements.

The new airship, which will go into service this summer, is larger, faster, and more maneuverable.

“This airship will offer enhanced aerial television coverage capabilities, increased flight range to cover more events and an unparalleled passenger experience,” noted Paul Fitzhenry, SVP, global communications.

Construction of the new airship Assembly of the new blimp began in March 2013. Parts such as the tail fins and gondola were built in Germany and shipped to the U.S. for assembly.

Goodyear BlimpAlso new is the balloon-like body of the airship – the “envelope” – which made of polyester with an innovative film from DuPont™ called Tedlar®, and surrounds a semi-rigid internal structure.

The new helium-filled airship is 246 feet long, more than 50 feet longer than the previous blimps and just 18 yards shorter than an American football field. The gondola delivers a world-class passenger experience with seating for up to 12 passengers and with wrap-around windows, providing sweeping panoramic views.

Naturally, the new airship features custom computer-controlled avionics and electronic controls work in conjunction with an on-board computer to regulate engine thrust, up-and-down movement, and right-and-left movement.

In addition, the new airship has a top speed of 73 miles per hour, compared to the current maximum of approximately 50 miles per hour.

Goodyear is also holding a naming contest, with details at:


Category: General Update

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