Logistics Solutions Innovator Receives Software Patent for Identifying & Matching Available Truck Capacity with Uncovered Freight Shipments

| September 12, 2021

Most people are very surprised at the enormous size and complexity of the US trucking industry where tens of thousands of trucking companies with millions of trucks drive over 280 billion miles

VuTrans, Inc. CEO and Co-Founder, Mark Hogan announced that the company had officially received US Patent 11,068,832 for its invention; System and Method for Identifying Freight Capacity. 

Hogan said that “most people are very surprised at the enormous size and complexity of the US trucking industry where tens of thousands of trucking companies with millions of trucks drive over 280 billion miles transporting over 20 trillion pounds of freight annually.”  

Co-Inventor and VuTrans’ President / CTO, Josh Jonte said that “the enormity of the constantly moving freight shipping industry is ripe for identifying material cost savings through efficiency that only smart technology tools in the hands of North America’s many intelligent supply chain professionals can capture.”      

VuTrans Director John McDevitt, retired Senior VP of UPS, said that he has “seen firsthand the value and benefits of the nimble, customer specific solutions approach that VuTrans software tools provides to its clients.”   

VuTrans’ niche logistics software tools fit into existing TMS stacks and include;

  • VuTrans Capacity: our patented capacity / freight matching system
  • VuBoards: Interactive load boards exclusive to each shipper’s standards viable carriers
  • HaulCom: a GPS Tracking tool with many unique features
  • ProActive: Data presented with shipper specific KPI decision making support that consolidates their core, 2nd Tier and Ad Hoc carriers’ in-transit data to a single site

Category: Connected Fleet News, Driver Stuff, Featured, Fleet Diagnostics & Software, Fleet Tracking, General Update, News, Tech Talk

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