Medium Duty Orders Have Shown Resilience Recently

NA Classes 5-7 net orders at 18,500 units, down 9% from December
After softness in late Q3/early Q4, medium duty orders appear to have shown some resilience the past two months. In January, preliminary data show NA Classes 5-7 net orders at 18,500 units, down 9% from December and 20% y/y. Complete industry data for January, including final order numbers, will be published by ACT Research in mid-February.
“Seasonal adjustment provides an incremental bump to January’s medium duty net orders, which rise to 18,700 units,” said Steve Tam, ACT’s Vice President. He continued, “This means the Classes 5-7 backlog should slide by around 3,200 units, to 49,700 units, but we caution that the data never quite align month to month. The underlying build numbers are projected, so there will some variability in reported backlogs when final data is collected.”
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