National Lift Week® Set for Oct. 7-12 with Stertil-Koni as Official Sponsor

Stertil-Koni’s highly trained network of distributors will host live vehicle lift product demos, hands-on briefings and educational updates
Heavy duty vehicle lift leader Stertil-Koni today announced that it will once again sponsor National Lift Week®, which will take place Oct. 7 – 12 in venues across North America. Now entering its sixth year, the six-day event is a celebration that showcases best practices in vehicle lift safety, service, and performance.
According to Stertil-Koni President, Dr. Jean DellAmore, “In the demanding world of fleet maintenance facilities, safety is always mission number one, a reality that is especially pertinent as vehicle servicing and repair have become increasingly complex. With that as the backdrop, the goal of National Lift Week is to promote a workplace environment for the busy tech on the shop floor that is safe, efficient and ergonomically maximized – all utilizing the very best in vehicle lifting technology and best practices.”
To advance these objectives, Stertil-Koni’s highly trained network of distributors across North America will host live vehicle lift product demos, hands-on briefings and educational updates associated with the latest advancements in vehicle lifting safety, features and environmental stewardship.
For each of the six days that comprise National Lift Week®, Stertil-Koni and its team will focus on key attributes of the most popular vehicle lifting systems in use today.
1. Mobile Column Monday: extolling the benefits of portable vehicle lifting columns;
2. Two-Post Tuesday: highlighting the usefulness of two-post vehicle lifts;
3. Wireless Wednesday: demonstrating the safety and performance attributes of wireless vehicle lifting systems;
4. Earthy Thursday: providing updates about new initiatives in “green” vehicle lifts;
5. Wheels-Free Friday: exploring lifting systems that provide wheels-free lifting to allow technicians to perform comprehensive vehicle maintenance and service; and
6. Safety Saturday: presenting multiple approaches to advance shop safety, including the importance of third-party lift certification by the industry’s third-party watchdog, the Automotive Lift Institute (ALI); the scope of the ALI Lift Inspector Certification program; and the importance of regularly scheduled lift inspections.
Concluded DellAmore, “At Stertil-Koni, we strongly believe that every day is an extension of National Lift Week® and we are pleased to join with our colleagues in the entire vehicle lifting sector to shine an even brighter light on the importance of vehicle lift safety and best practices.”
Category: Featured, Fleet Maintenance, General Update, News, Shop Stuff, Vehicle Lifts