New Device Designed To Keep Drivers Alert and Awake

| October 24, 2014

resqmeIn response to the dire statistic that 41 percent of drivers admit to falling asleep behind the wheel, causing more than 100,000 car accidents every year, resqme, Inc. has recently developed a convenient, safety device called alertme™ that produces an alarm when a driver’s head nods unexpectedly.

The compact, easy-to-use alertme device sits behind the ear and promptly buzzes if the head falls forward unexpectedly—effectively alerting the driver to heighten focus and possibly pull off the road for a rest.

According to statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 1 in 6 fatal accidents involve drowsy driving or driving with impaired attention, decreased awareness, and slow reaction time.

“Safety while driving should not end after we buckle our seatbelts,” says Laurent Colasse, founder and CEO of resqme, Inc. “The idea for this device is not to allow drivers to just keep on driving, but instead to be conscious of how tired they are and to pull off the road before endangering themselves and other motorists.”

Category: General Update, Safety

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