Odyne Systems Featued in 2015 Ford Alternative Fuel Buyers Guide

| February 14, 2015

Odyne Systems

Odyne Systems, a leading manufacturer of hybrid systems for medium- and heavy- duty work trucks and a Ford Qualified Vehicle Modifier that meets Ford standards for alternative fuel vehicles, is now featured in the 2015 Ford Alternative Fuel Buyers Guide.

In a real-world application, last year PECO, an electric and natural gas utility based in Philadelphia, added 22 trucks equipped with the Odyne Hybrid Power System. T

he Odyne hybrid power system features proprietary and patented hybrid technology combining reliable electric power conversion, power control and energy storage technology.

An Odyne plug-in hybrid system is engineered to provide for quieter operation at the work site, lowers fuel consumption by up to 50% compared to traditional diesel or gasoline engines and reduces emissions for trucks that operate while stationary

Joe Dalum, President and CEO of Odyne commented, “We are pleased to be among the alternative fuel suppliers for Ford trucks and the only electrification choice listed in the guide for heavy duty trucks.”


Category: Green

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