Owner-Operators Are Finding Quality Of Life Value With In-Cab Satellite TV
Increasing popularity of EpicVue Systems grows during the COVID pandemic
EpicVue, providers of premium in-cab satellite TV packaged exclusively for the trucking industry, today announced growing interest among owner-operators seeking to improve their quality of life on the road during the COVID-19 pandemic. The company also announced promotional savings for independent drivers through the end of 2020.
“I’m on the road for two weeks at a time so with EpicVue I can record what I want to watch later,” said Brian O’Neil, an owner-operator based in Newton, NC. “I wanted EpicVue for a long time before it was available for owner-operators and now I couldn’t live without it.”
“There’s always downtime when you’re an owner-operator who’s on the road for a few weeks at a time,” said Seth Headley, an owner-operator from Charlotte, NC. “EpicVue makes my truck feel like an apartment on wheels, and it’s terrific to be able to watch the same thing I would at home with my family.”
“When I was an owner-operator I couldn’t wait for EpicVue to become available and once I expanded my operation to three trucks I bought in-cab satellite TV for all of our vehicles without hesitation,” said Scott Miller at SM Miller Enterprises in Dallas, a premier linehaul contracted services provider. “It makes life on the road much easier for our drivers and it’s a great recruiting tool. EpicVue provides a service that is definitely needed.”
EpicVue for owner-operators and drivers is being offered through the end of the year with a $200 promotional savings. The in-cab satellite TV systems are available without requiring a contract, and without activation or cancellation fees. Drivers can purchase or finance hardware and installation costs for stationary or InMotion systems, with or without a DVR. The monthly DIRECTV subscription—with more than 100 channels of programming, including SHOWTIME and the NFL Sunday Ticket— can be paused and reactivated for any reason.
“Drivers are saying there’s no better time to be an owner-operator than now if you know how to play your cards,” said Kyle Hales, vice president of sales for EpicVue. “However, increased isolation due to the pandemic and a lack of entertainment and news options when they’re not working has made it tougher, so we’ve seen growing interest in satellite TV by drivers and an increase in viewing time among owner-operators with EpicVue systems. As demand for owner-operator services rises, we’re offering them a no contract premium in-cab entertainment option at a savings so they can enjoy the comforts of home on the road.”
Category: Accessories, Driver Stuff, Equipment, Featured, General Update, News