Pennsylvania Cranks Up Speed Limit to 70 mph

| May 10, 2016

Pennsylvania Cranks Up Speed Limit to 70 mph

The Keystone State  is looking a little bit faster these days, as the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission and the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation announced additional stretches of the interstate network will be posted with 70 mph speed limits

Now, motorists will see the higher speed limit on 997 miles of roadway in the Commonwealth.

“Before moving ahead, we looked very closely at a number of factors, such as speed and traffic data and the physical characteristics of the highways, in deciding where 70 mph limits could be safely permitted,” said PennDOT Secretary Leslie S. Richards.

Crews are already installing new 70 mph signs, posts and foundations at some locations and replacing 65 mph signs with 70 mph signs at other locations. They also will be installing curve warning signs where warranted and new speed reduction warning signs in advance of areas where the limit drops from 70 mph to 55 mph.

Category: General Update

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