Preliminary April Order Intake Data Shows MD Demand Holding Better Than HD

ACT Research said the month of April is modestly stronger than average, so seasonal adjustment pulled orders lower
Preliminary NA Classes 5-7 net orders in April fell to 7,600 units, down 69% compared to year-ago April and 50% below the March order intake. Complete industry data for April, including final order numbers, will be published by ACT Research in mid-May.
“Owing to its broader base of applications and vocational niches, medium-duty demand held up relatively well on an absolute basis in April when compared to their bigger [Class 8] brethren,” said Steve Tam, ACT’s Vice President. He continued, “That said, medium-duty net orders continued to slide during the month, falling to their lowest since April 2010.” Tam also mentioned, “The month of April is modestly stronger than average, so seasonal adjustment pulled orders lower.”
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