Report on Fleets for Retail Stores Favors Outsourcing Maintenance

| January 7, 2015

The Professional Retail Store Maintenance Association (PRSM)

According to a new report benchmarking vehicle maintenance and repair costs and the use of technology, 70 percent of companies who said they perform fleet maintenance in-house reported higher costs than those who contract out for maintenance.

The report, issued by the Professional Retail Store Maintenance Association (PRSM), also showed that vans are on average more economical to operate and maintain than trucks – according to retail fleet operators.

PRSM’s report is, as the group noted, “a transparent look at data recently collected from industry suppliers who are operating fleets that service retail stores and are self-performing in major trade categories, including HVAC, flooring, waste management, electrical and lighting.”

Regarding the use of various technologies to facilitate field service, results show the industry is evenly split between the use and non-use of GPS technology, with 43 percent currently tracking vehicle location with GPS devices.

Also, 57 percent of respondents said they are using some sort of fleet management software to improve operational efficiencies and meet customer needs, including work verification requirements.


Category: Featured, Fleet Maintenance, General Update

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