Retailers Call on White House to Intervene in West Coast Port Labor Dispute

| February 13, 2015

West Coast Port labor dispute

In a move that could directly impact the freight industry, the National Retail Federation has called on the White House to intervene in the West Coast Port labor dispute.

The group issued the following statement today from Vice President for Supply Chain Jonathan Gold on the news that terminal vessel operations at the West Coast ports have been suspended:

“The continued intransigence by labor and management to reach a new contract is unacceptable. Retailers and the rest of the supply chain are frustrated beyond belief.”

“The continued intransigence by labor and management to reach a new contract is unacceptable. Retailers and the rest of the supply chain are frustrated beyond belief.

“The slowdowns need to end. The brinkmanship needs to stop. The ILWU and PMA are delaying cargo and merchandise in the short-term while harming the competitiveness of the West Coast ports in the long-term. This stalemate is hurting American businesses, their employees and consumers.

“If the ILWU and PMA are serious about reaching a new labor contract, they need to remain at the table.

“It’s time for the White House to immediately engage in this critically-important economic priority and force the two sides to remain at the negotiating table until a deal is done. The time for monitoring has passed. The time for action has come.”

NRF is the world’s largest retail trade association, representing discount and department stores, home goods and specialty stores, Retail is the nation’s largest private sector employer, supporting one in four U.S. jobs – 42 million working Americans.


Category: Featured, General Update

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