Rush Trucking Named 2019 Top Woman-Owned Business in Transportation

Congratulations to the other women-led businesses recognized this year
Rush Trucking Corp. has been recognized today as a top woman-owned business in transportation by Redefining the Road, official magazine of the Women In Trucking Association, which recognizes and supports women in the trucking industry.
A diverse group of companies in commercial freight transportation, including motor carriers, third-party logistics companies and original equipment manufacturers, also were recognized.
A special program will be held at the Women In Trucking Accelerate! Conference in Dallas, Texas, to honor Rush Trucking and the other 22 companies.
“Our goal is to recruit, develop and promote great people who work hard to exceed our customers’ expectations,” said Rush Trucking CEO Andra Rush. “We appreciate being recognized for achieving our mission. Congratulations to the other women-led businesses recognized this year.”
Rush Trucking began in 1984 with one woman, founder and CEO Andra Rush, one van and two pickup trucks, and a vision to provide safer, faster and more reliable transportation services to automotive manufacturers in the Midwest. Today, the 35-year-old company, headquartered in Wayne, Mich., serves more than 30 customers across the country with a tight focus on quality, efficiency and innovation.
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