Schneider Teams with SkyBitz on Next Gen Trailer and Container Tracking

| May 1, 2018


Schneider, a leading provider of transportation and logistics services, announced that it has teamed up with SkyBitz to implement Schneider’s third generation trailer and container tracking system. SkyBitz is a leading provider of  vehicle and asset tracking solutions that are designed to give companies total visibility into their fleets and cargo, without increasing overhead.

“Schneider is committed to providing a differentiated driver experience and eliminating job irritants,” says Shaleen Devgun, Executive Vice President and CIO, Schneider. “This technology enables drivers to efficiently locate an available empty trailer or container with pinpoint accuracy using their mobile devices which saves a significant amount of time.”

As part of its third-generation solution, Schneider has leveraged the SkyBitz Falcon GXT5002C, a solar-powered, GPS-based asset management device that improves asset utilization and cargo visibility. The Falcon GXT5002C provides reporting on several critical data points, including arrival and departure times, inner yard movements, idle durations, and cargo loaded or unloaded events in near-real time.

“Schneider wanted a high-quality trailer and container tracking solution that could be implemented quickly and efficiently,” says Henry Popplewell, President, SkyBitz. “SkyBitz designs its trailer, container, and asset tracking solutions for reliability, simple installation, and an overall lower cost of ownership. These tools give shippers more ways to ensure they’re delivering the highest quality service to every customer.”

“Our multi-vendor telematics strategy enables us to bring the best available functionality to our drivers,” adds Shaleen Devgun. “SkyBitz won the day with its latest technology.”

Through this working relationship, SkyBitz and Schneider can bring greater asset visibility and operational efficiency to drivers and customers across North America. With this solution, dispatchers, drivers, and customer service associates can make more timely, data-driven business decisions from a variety of desktop and mobile devices.

Category: Connected Fleet News, Featured, General Update, News

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