Star Charge to Showcase DC High-power Charging System Up to 720kW

| May 28, 2024

Triton offers a hanging installation option with a hanging cable management system, providing unprecedented flexibility and convenience

Star Charge Americas Corporation, provider of EV charging and energy storage solutions unveiled their highly anticipated Triton dispenser and Nova cabinet.

Identifying the Fleet Electrification Pain Points

Fleet managers often grapple with the complexities of charging vehicles at scale. This includes accommodating variable duty cycles, maximizing asset utilization, and minimizing peak charging and demand costs. The combination of the Star Charge Triton dispenser and Nova power cabinet aims to solve these issues in an economical package available to fleet operators.

Introducing Triton and Nova: The Future of Charging

Unlike traditional integrated or split-type chargers, Triton offers a hanging installation option with a hanging cable management system, providing unprecedented flexibility and convenience. This unit can be wall mounted, ceiling mounted, or even gantry mounted.

Removing charging dispensers from the ground is good for HSSE considerations and allows for more compact parking situations under a gantry, in parking garages, or in distribution centers. This distributed solution will be paired with a 720kW cabinet with 12 outputs that can feed each Triton dispenser from 40kW to 200kW of power. This allows slower overnight charging and opportunity charging on the same system, reducing the need for separate EVSE equipment for different roles.

Key Features of Triton

**Smart O&M** Remote monitoring, diagnosis, and firmware Over-The-Air (OTA) upgrading capabilities (OCPP1.6j with OCPP 2.0.1 coming Q3).

**Scalable for the Future** Supports up to 12 charge ports per power cabinet, with the ability to expand by adding additional cabinets. Compatible with solar power, energy storage, and energy management systems.

**Space-saving** Given its compact design, Triton’s dispensers can be mounted off the ground, minimizing their footprint and maximizing space efficiency.

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