Supply Chain Software Taps €20M Equity Infusion

| September 11, 2015

RELEX Solutions

RELEX Solutions, provider of in-memory-based supply chain software, has received a €20M minority investment from equity firm Summit Partners.

The investment will support the technology company’s continued international expansion and a key push into the North American market later this year.

RELEX’s technology helps retailers, wholesalers and manufacturers automate and optimize their supply chains, cut spoilage, reduce inventory and boost on-shelf availability. Leveraging the power of in-memory computing, the system delivers large volumes of data over 100 times faster than traditional alternatives, giving its predictive demand forecasting and actionable analytics even more immediacy and impact.

This is Summit’s first investment in a Finnish company and the first equity investment RELEX has accepted. RELEX has expanded organically since 2005 and now operates in 17 countries across Europe and Africa.

Category: General Update

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