Tax Cut Bill Favors Polluters over Clean Energy Says Environmental Group

| November 7, 2017


According to a leading environmental watchdog group, House Republicans released plans “calling for major tax cuts that would sharply increase the federal deficit and target valuable clean energy incentives fostering job growth and innovation in the American marketplace.”

According to Ana Unruh Cohen, director of government affairs at the Natural Resources Defense Council:

“House Republican tax writers are bent on padding polluter profits, leaving us to pay the price. Their plan barely touches huge tax giveaways for fossil fuels. But it would zero-out cost-effective electric vehicle tax credits and weaken tax credits for wind and solar that are creating jobs, spurring innovation, meeting consumer demand and cleaning up the air. That’s reckless. Congress should put clean energy back in the driver’s seat, for the good of our communities, economy and future generations.”

The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) is an international nonprofit environmental organization with more than 3 million members and online activists. More  at .

Category: Featured, General Update, Green, News

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