Transflo and InMotion Global Team Up to Bring Transformative Digital Solutions to the Freight Industry

SMB carriers, brokers, and shippers benefit from instant, seamless access to a digital ecosystem through the Transflo app
Transflo, a technology provider for the transportation and logistics industry, announced today that it has partnered with InMotion Global Inc., the service provider of transportation management software AscendTMS, to deliver digital capabilities for the freight industry. The integration facilitates a seamless digital experience between carrier, broker, and shipper through a single platform that increases operational efficiency and improves workflow through the entire freight ecosystem.
“There is now a greater demand for digital solutions that can support freight operations more efficiently. The freight and logistics sector have had their profits and growth stall due to complications related to COVID-19 and customers are looking to us to accelerate their digital transformation,” said Doug Schrier, vice president of product and innovation at Transflo. “Since 1991, Transflo has been helping the transportation and logistics market digitize and process over 500 million freight documents annually. This integration with AscendTMS simplifies freight’s digital metamorphosis when they need it most.”
The partnership with AscendTMS will facilitate communication and capture documents electronically for a seamless experience between back-office dispatchers, front-office drivers and millions of active drivers. As part of the agreement, all Transflo customers will receive a full premium subscription to AscendTMS at no cost for 90 days. This includes carriers, freight brokers, 3PLs and shippers, nationwide.
“Digital transformation is the next frontier for the freight industry. This integration with Transflo and AscendTMS will benefit the entire ecosystem with 100% digital capabilities that will save our customers money, increase profits, reduce driver turnover, and streamline communications across the entire supply chain,” said Tim Higham, president of AscendTMS. “We are excited to have a trusted partner like Transflo who will enable us and our customers’ business capabilities.”
Category: Connected Fleet News, Featured, General Update, News, Tech Talk