Survey Reveals Challenges and Opportunities in the Freight Transportation Industry

| May 17, 2022

Data shows more than half of carriers (51%) are considering a job change in the next half year to 12 months

In honor of National Transportation Week taking place May 15-21, which is meant to educate the public about freight transportation issues, took a pulse on what carriers are experiencing, revealing significant challenges and opportunities in the transportation industry.

According to a survey conducted by, carriers are currently faced with many challenges on the road, so much so that, according to survey findings, over half (51%) of carriers polled are looking to change jobs in the next six to 12 months even though 32% of respondents are making 50% to 74% more money.

“The freight transportation industry is cyclical, which means innovating ahead of the impending ups and downs is paramount to ensuring our customers have the tools they need to navigate the industry’s cycles and ensure steady cash flow.” said Kendra Tucker, chief executive officer,

For carriers to remain successful in today’s climate, they need access to easy-to-use solutions that keep their businesses moving, from getting fair rates to getting paid faster (69% of respondents say factoring is an efficient way to get paid). equips carriers with the tools they need to help save time, make more money, and run their business on their terms.

Additional survey findings show that most carriers surveyed (96%) believe improvements made possible with the infrastructure bill will positively impact the freight transportation industry, the most impactful believed to be:

  • Improved conditions on interstates, highways and roads – 35%
  • Better traffic flow that reduces congestion and improves delivery times – 32%
  • Increase in new drivers under apprentice program – 28%

The Truckstop Go™ mobile app and Rate Insights keep carriers informed through end-to-end functionality and artificial intelligence. With industry ebbs and flows, including a fluctuating spot market and industry improvements brought on by the infrastructure bill, intuitive functionality, and innovative technology are crucial elements to keep carriers competitive and profitable.

Category: Driver Stuff, Featured, General Update, Management, News, People, Training

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