| March 30, 2023

To Help Address Challenges, Truckstop is hosting two PRO TALKS sessions at MATS

Timed to gauge the pulse of the trucking industry as drivers head to the Mid-America Trucking Show (MATS), a Truckstop commissioned survey of 500 U.S.-based owner-operator truck drivers indicates that trucking professionals are increasingly satisfied with their profession even as they work through many critical, common challenges. MATS, held in Louisville, Kentucky, is the largest annual trade show dedicated to the heavy-duty trucking industry.

Close to two-thirds (65%) of owner-operators surveyed are currently extremely satisfied with their job and more than half (57%) say they are much more satisfied now compared to in 2021.

Rising Costs Impacting Business 
In the past year, over three quarters (77%) of owner-operators surveyed have booked shorter routes due to rising costs impacting their business, while 72% have looked for lighter loads and 65% have booked fewer loads.

“We recognize that owner-operators face a number of business challenges on a daily basis,” said Kendra Tucker, chief executive officer, Truckstop. “Truckstop is committed to continuing to develop and deliver technology solutions and services that empower freight professionals, so they can easily run their businesses from start to finish.”

Education Series at MATS 
In response to this feedback, Truckstop will host two sessions as part of the PRO TALKS Education Series at MATS designed to help drivers with their business. Truckstop’s Chief Relationship Officer, Brent Hutto, will be sharing his vast knowledge of the industry during two sessions being held in the PRO TALKS Theater, room B104:

  • Thursday, March 30 (2:45 p.m. EDT): How to Negotiate with a Broker, Tyler Johnston, director of operations for Mercer Transportation, will join Hutto and discuss how to leverage freight data to the carrier’s benefit.
  • Friday, March 31 (3:00 p.m. EDT): How to Organize Your Business for More Profit, Todd Amen, president and CEO of ATBS, will join Hutto as they discuss more profitable ways for carriers to organize their trucking operation.

Improving the Bottom Line 
The survey also revealed that the most common things (from a closed list) owner-operators are doing to help improve their bottom line are:

  • Spending more time looking for more fuel-efficient routes (66%)
  • Using more technology to help lower costs (66%)
  • Doing more truck maintenance to guard against expensive repairs (65%)
  • Joining more reward programs (to get discounts, cash back, free items, etc.) (60%)
  • Using factoring (to improve cash flow) (51%)

These were followed by almost half (47%) who say they are spending more time looking for cheaper fuel to help improve their bottom line and 45% who are taking on additional loads.

Category: Driver Stuff, Featured, General Update, Management, News, People, Safety, Vehicles

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