U.S. Patent Office Grants Wireless Charging Company InductEV Three New Patents

New Innovations Enhance Real-World Application of On Route Wireless Charging for Commercial Transport Sector
InductEV, the industry leader in high-speed, high-power wireless charging systems for the commercial transport sector, has been granted three additional patents by the U.S. Patent Office. This brings the number of patents the company holds to 18 with 23 more pending.
These new patents are based on the innovation and real-world commercial experience that InductEV has gained from fleet owners and operators who are scaling their wireless charging systems around the world with an on-route charging paradigm.
“We have a relentless focus on product improvements, R&D, and knowledge gained in-the-field,” said Tony Calabro, CTO and Chief Product Officer, InductEV. “Each of these new patents is a direct result of that emphasis on practical application development with continuous improvement.”
One of the new patents covers opportunity charging for taxi queues in which idling vehicles can take advantage of the unobtrusive InductEV wireless power transfer stations set into the pavement of each queue to recharge their internal battery packs. This type of Strategic Opportunity Charging converts the wait for passengers into a useful endeavor. This approach has already been applied to a taxi fleet in Gothenburg, Sweden and as more taxi vehicles become autonomous, wireless charging is key for market growth.
Another patent is for an air cooled subsurface vault for wireless power transfer systems in which at least two grates are positioned on respective sides of the wireless power transfer charger to enable bi-directional air-flow between the surface and the air space around the charger. This approach enables more efficient energy transfer and greater system reliability, while completely removing the need for any power electronics cabinets to be installed at the site.
The third patent covers a Passive arc detection and mitigation in wireless power transfer system.
“With a large number of installations of our wireless charging technology now operating in North America and Europe, we have gained considerable insights into what works and what needs improvement,” added Mr. Calabro. “Fortunately, we’ve been at this for more than a decade and are now seeing the results of our investment in research & development in both patent awards and rapidly accelerating commercial adoption.”
InductEV has to date delivered over 1.5 GWh of energy to customers across the U.S. and the EU through its wireless charging network – the equivalent of saving 650 metric tons of CO2.
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