Uber Style App Matches Trucks and Companies With Shipping Needs

| November 13, 2015


TruckPad, which is seeking to bring new efficiencies to the trucking industry, pairs drivers and companies.

Here’s how it works. Companies enter data about their loads, and when and where they want them picked up and delivered, as well as the type of truck they want to hire.

TruckPad then locates drivers that will be close to the company at the required pick up time, have availability and the type of truck required.  TruckPad presents the driver with a “load offer.”

The driver and the company then negotiate final terms.  TruckPad lets the company track their products en route so they always know where their loads are, as well as communicate with the driver via chat.  Once delivered the company pays the driver through the TruckPad app and can rate the driver as well.

The company noted that its app has more than 280,000 installs, and over 60,000 drivers and 5,000 companies are currently utilizing its service in Brazil.

TruckPad CEO, Carlos Mira, stated, “We have created a new model for the transportation industry.  It puts the power of shipping products in the hands of companies and drivers.”

Category: Fleet Tracking, General Update

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