VA’s First Autonomous Public Shuttle

Virginia’s first public autonomous shuttle service pilot on open, public roads now live and serving the community
Perrone Robotics in partnership with Albemarle County and JAUNT, Inc., announced that the pilot phase of Virginia’s first public autonomous shuttle service commenced operation in Crozet, Virginia. The shuttle service called AVNU (Autonomous Vehicle, Neighborhood Use), is driven by Perrone Robotics’ TONY (TO Navigate You) autonomous shuttle technology applied to a Polaris GEM. This Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) shuttle has industry-leading perception and guidance capabilities and will drive fully autonomously (with safety driver) through County neighborhoods and downtown areas on public roads, navigating vehicle and pedestrian traffic. The base GEM vehicle meets federal safety standards for vehicles in its class.
“With over 33,000 autonomous miles traveled using our technology, TONY powered vehicles bring the highest level of autonomy available in the world today to NEV shuttles,” said Paul Perrone, founder/CEO of Perrone Robotics. “We are deploying an AV platform that has been carefully refined since 2003, applied in automotive and industrial autonomy spaces, and now being leveraged to bring last-mile services to communities such as those here in Albemarle County, Virginia. What we deliver is a platform that operates shuttles autonomously in complex environments with roundabouts, merges, and pedestrian-dense areas.”
The TONY-based AVNU shuttle will offer riders trips within local residential developments, trips to connect neighborhoods, and connections from these areas to the downtown business district. After the pilot phase, additional routes will be established to demonstrate Albemarle Countydevelopment initiatives such as connector services for satellite parking, and connections with JAUNT’s commuter shuttles, also targeted for autonomous operation with TONY technology.
“We have seen other solutions out there that require extensive manual operation for large portions of the course and very low speeds for traversal of tricky sections,” noted Perrone. “We surpass these efforts by using our innovative, super-efficient, and completely novel and patented autonomous engine, MAX®, that has over 16 years of engineering and over 33,000 on and off-road miles behind it. We also use AI, but as a tool, not a crutch.”
“It is with great pleasure that we launch the pilot of the next generation of transportation – autonomous neighborhood shuttles – here in Crozet,” said Ann Mallek, White Hall District Supervisor. “Albemarle County is so proud to support our home town company, Perrone Robotics, and work with our transit provider JAUNT, through Smart Mobility, Inc., to bring this project to fruition.”
AVNU is electrically
powered, so the shuttle is quiet and non-polluting and uses solar panels to
significantly extend system range. AVNU has been extensively tested by Perrone
Robotics and testing data has been evaluated by Albemarle County and
JAUNT prior to launch.
Category: AUTONOMOUS, Featured, General Update, News, Transit News