WEX, Bestpass Make Tolling Easier for Over-the-Road Customers

| January 28, 2022

WEX OTR customers have an opportunity to sign up for Complete Pass Scout, a Bestpass product accepted at 100% of major U.S. toll roads

WEX financial technology service provider, and Bestpass, a comprehensive payment platform provider and leader in toll management solutions for commercial fleets in North America, today announced the launch of WEX Fleet Tolls powered by Bestpass.

WEX Fleet Tolls powered by Bestpass gives WEX’s over-the-road (OTR) customers the option to pay with their existing WEX card instead of pre-paying into tolling accounts. The toll payment process is simplified with all tolls aggregated into one convenient statement.

“Partnering with Bestpass offers our customers the opportunity to utilize cutting-edge payment technology to improve toll management strategy,” said Tim Hampton, senior vice president and general manager of WEX’s over-the-road business. “Paying only for accrued tolls frees up valuable capital to reallocate elsewhere within a fleet.”

WEX OTR customers have an opportunity to sign up for Complete Pass Scout, a Bestpass product accepted at 100% of major U.S. toll roads. By using WEX Fleet Tolls powered by Bestpass, WEX OTR customers would no longer need to hold accounts with different tolling authorities across the country, making management easier.

“WEX is a proven fleet payment solutions leader, and we’re excited to collaborate in adding toll management to their diverse suite of product offerings,” said Tom Fogarty, CEO of Bestpass. “WEX Fleet Tolls powered by Bestpass provides the convenience customers desire with support from two companies dedicated to their success.”

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