AASHTO Applauds Congress for Saving Billions for Transportation

Bipartisan support for eliminating the $7.6 billion rescission of Highway Trust Fund contract authority
The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials thanked Congress and the President for their bipartisan support for eliminating the $7.6 billion rescission of Highway Trust Fund contract authority, originally set to occur July 1, 2020.
“On behalf of the 50 state departments of transportation, as well as Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia, that unanimously supported rolling back this rescission, I extend our thanks to the leadership in the House and Senate, committee leaders and their staffs, and the President for removing the threat of disruption and potential delays in the coming construction season,” said Jim Tymon, AASHTO executive director.
“The resolution of this issue comes at a time when states are preparing their budgets for the coming construction season, eliminating potential uncertainty that could have delayed important transportation infrastructure investments,” he said.
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