Aggregate Shipping Container, PASSBOX™, Designed to Cut Bulk Transport Costs

| April 2, 2014

PortarePortare Services LLC, an innovator in aggregated transportation services, has secured controlling interest in PassBox LLC and reports that it has completed funding to launch its aggregate shipping container to the marketplace.

The product is designed to provide a more efficient and effective way to transport aggregated material.

What’s more, Portare Service is bringing PASSBOX™ (Portable Aggregate Supply System) to the marketplace at an accelerated pace.

The timing appears good, as the US and global markets continue to transport highly valuable and potentially volatile aggregate materials such as ceramic proppant, organic fertilizers and frac sand, and companies are looking for better ways to maintain product integrity, transportation timing and handling efficiency.

PASSBOX™ enables aggregates to be shipped from source to destination without transferring the materials from one container to another.

Traditionally, when transportation containers are filled at the source (silo, mine, farm, dig, pump, etc.), the contents must eventually be trans-loaded at each exchange point (truck, rail, ship, etc.).

Now with Portare Services’ PASSBOX™, companies only need to fill the PASSBOX™ once and utilize all transportation modes without ever having to transfer the contents.

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Category: Cab, Trailer & Body New, General Update

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