ATA Promotes Senior Staff

| July 17, 2014

ATAAmerican Trucking Associations (ATA) president and CEO Bill Graves has announced that Chief Economist and Vice President Bob Costello has been promoted to senior vice president and Elisabeth Barna, vice president of image and outreach advocacy, has been promoted to senior vice president of communications and public affairs.

ATA’s Controller Rusty Duckworth has been promoted to senior vice president and Controller and Vice President of Human Resources and Operations Kay Perkins has been promoted to senior vice president, human resources and operations.

Costello has been with ATA since 1997, and manages all of ATA’s collection, analysis and dissemination of trucking economic information, as well as conducts economic analyses of proposed regulations and legislation affecting the trucking industry.

Barna rejoined ATA in 2005 and has over 23 years in the trucking industry. She leads ATA’s image and outreach efforts, including the America’s Road Team and Share the Road programs, as well as the new industry-wide image movement, Trucking Moves America Forward.

Duckworth has been with ATA since 1999, and manages all of ATA’s finance operations, including ATA’s investment portfolio.

Perkins, with 30 years of experience in the association area, has been with ATA since 1998 and is responsible for all human resource functions and building operations, as well as having oversight for the association’s real estate.


Category: General Update, People

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