ATA Seeks Applications for LEAD Program

| June 23, 2014

TruckAmerican Trucking Associations (ATA), a federation of 50 affiliated state trucking associations and industry-related conferences and councils, has announced it is now seeking applications for the second class of its LEAD ATA executive leadership program.

“Since being unveiled last year, LEAD ATA has already begun to mold and shape our industry’s next wave of leaders,” ATA President and CEO Bill Graves said.

“Now it is time for a new group of ambitious industry leaders to step forward and join them,” Graves added.

The LEAD ATA program, sponsored by PeopleNet, will provide exclusive educational opportunities designed to highlight how the regulatory and legislative process affects the trucking industry and the important role ATA plays in shaping both, as well as demonstrating the many tools available to industry executives through ATA.

Each year, a new class will be accepted into LEAD ATA to cultivate the federation’s future ATA leaders.

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